
I love my neighbors..

So much..that I wanted to dedicate this post to one of them. Thank you kind sir..for being thoughtful enough to get fucking wasted in your apartment (for the 323627831813th time) leaving the food your cooking/heating up on the stove..and having it burn. To the point where the building smells like 1week old un-washed ass. Thank you for passing out when other tenants tried knocking on your door to wake you up..getting you up and telling you your shit is burning. Thank you for the countless times I had to call the landlord telling him your probably downstairs wasted and you've got food burning on the stove..that may someday burn the fucking building down. And finally..I'd like to thank the landlord for keeping this fine tenant in the building. I tip my hat off to you sir. 
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So I almost got caught..

You know its funny I always joke about cablevision catching me with illegal cable and it nearly happened yesterday. lmao. So its around 6:30pm and I'm watching seinfeld then someone knocks on the door..my mom answers it. I couldn't hear the person's voice but it was deep, obviously a guy..or a really masculine chick. Anyways she lets the guy in and he goes into the kitchen.. she follows. They talk for a few minutes and she passes by my room grabs the remote and turns off the tv. I didn't bug out or anything since I still didn't know what was going on. She then reaches for her ID and as she passes by my room to head back to the kitchen I ask her whats going on and she says "Its a representative from IO digital cable". Now I'm thinking to myself "Oh shit".

She tells me he wants to get us to get IO cable and I ask her if he wanted to install it now..but she said no..just want to go over the basics. Now its more than obvious Io is like a subsidiary of cablevision the way they are always advertising it. So I'm thinking damn if he comes by and wants to check the cable box..we're screwed. And like a drug dealer..I take the cable box I had in my room (we have more than one..lol) and cover it up under the matress like drug money. LOL. Luckily he didn't go through all that..they just talked for awhile..left his number and a card for us to call him back if we're interested. He leaves and heads over to my neighbor to talk with him about io, but he also has illegal cable..infact my ENTIRE building has it. Haha. Just imagine going to jail for having bootleg cable:

Prisoner: What you in for?
Me: *in deep voice* Having illegal cable.
Prisoner: ....
Prisoner: You know your gonna be my bitch now right?
Me: :(

Want to know what makes the whole thing funnier? While he was in the kitchen talking about the cable..I just finished downloading some albums and were burning them. Had the blank cd's all oveer the bed with labels ready and everything. My ass would've gotten put away forever. rofl....oh well..just wanted to share that. Later. 
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